3/3/2016 E-mail received:
under review
+1 vote
Maintain PlanPlus for Outlook 2013 and forever"
8/11/2017: Check uservoice and found idea deleted. Entered the above suggestion
8/11/2017: Clicked on, "Go here to leave a comment" in the 2016 e-mail and was directed here:
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3/3/2016 E-mail received:
under review
+1 vote
Maintain PlanPlus for Outlook 2013 and forever"
8/11/2017: Check uservoice and found idea deleted. Entered the above suggestion
8/11/2017: Clicked on, "Go here to leave a comment" in the 2016 e-mail and was directed here:
"Sign in
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Your email address does not have access to this forum. (Sign out)"
What's that about?????